Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Power of Dessert Burgers

In case you are wondering what dessert burgers are they are homemade Suzie-Q’s. They are delicious and yes I did make the dessert burgers and sent them to my son. However I included another note with this package that read:

I expect to see a diploma that reads
Son’s name, Ph.D
Love Mom

When the package arrived last Tuesday, he knew immediately what was in the package. And in the good humor that it was intended to be, he was laughing when he called me. He informed me that the dessert burgers were delicious (and yes he was sharing with his room mates) but he was also contemplating on what he was going to ask for next. Basically if I was supplying, he was buying (or taking advantage of)! I never guaranteed how long I would continue but I did hint at that if the persuasion was working I would continue influencing any way I could.

A few days later my son decided that yes he would continue his education and pursue his Ph.D. I thought YES, this was too easy but it worked, problem solved or so I thought. As a parent never forget about sibling rivalry. What you do for one child you have to do for the other. I provided goodies for one child and forgot to do so for the other. Once my daughter found out (after talking with her brother) that he had been furnished with dessert burgers and she had not, I was informed that was not fair and where was her dessert burgers. I explained how I was using the dessert burgers as bribery. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she too could be bribed! Her dessert burgers were made this morning and delivered this afternoon. My son’s Ph.D. takes 2 years, what she promised me takes 9 months……… well see in 9 months!

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