Sunday, May 13, 2007

Do You Know The Difference Between A Turkey And A Guinea

We do not live on a farm, but our neighbor is a farmer and he raises guineas which are always in our yard. Guineas are good for eating the insects and tics in your yards so we don’t say too much when they wander over and they are always wandering over. Guineas also make a lot of noise when they see someone. I’ve heard some say they make better watch dogs than a watch dog. But how many of you know what a guinea looks like and could you tell the difference between a guinea and a turkey? Obviously I could, but my good friend was over the other day and I don’t think she even knew there was such a thing as a guinea. We were standing in my kitchen chatting when all of a sudden she runs to the window and exclaims “oh my gosh, look at all those turkeys in your yard”! I knew immediately it was the guineas so reaction was to burst out laughing. After I quit laughing I had to explain to her that they were not turkeys but guineas. Of course I didn’t let it drop there. That same evening I was out at Wal-Mart. While I was shopping I happened across the hunting section where they had inflatable turkey decoys. I couldn’t resist, I had to buy one. I enlisted the help of my husband and we snuck over to my friends house that evening and set it up in her yard. This was a Saturday evening. The next morning I get a telephone call around 10:00 a.m. I didn’t even get a hello; I got “you smart-ass” but she was laughing! She has promised me that I have not seen the end of the inflatable turkey, but I haven’t seen it yet.

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