Sunday, May 6, 2007

Remember Those Movies You Grew Up?

Do you remember the movie Harry and the Henderson’s? It was probably released in the late 80’s or early 90’s. It was about a family that found a “Big Foot” and they brought him home. I remember watching it with my children. A few months back I wanted to purchase it for grandchildren; I thought that they would really enjoy it, but I couldn’t find it on DVD. However, recently it was released again on DVD so naturally I had to purchase it. I couldn’t wait to watch it with my grandsons. Now my two grandsons are 6 and 2 ½. The six year old was excited about the movie and couldn’t wait to watch it, but the 2 ½ wasn’t as excited about it. Even though Harry was smiling on the cover, Harry was a monster and he wanted no part of it. Friday night we finally had our opportunity to watch the movie. My son was home from college with his girlfriend, so we had everyone over for supper on Friday. After supper we were going to watch “Harry and the Henderson’s”. Before we could start the movie though I did have to get the 2 ½ year old settled in another room with the movie “Cars” which he was perfectly fine with him. So he is settled in and we are all ready to watch the movie. I had warned the 6 year old that he might get a little scared at first especially that scene when Harry wakes up on top of the car and looks in through the wind shield and bares his teeth. The 6 year old really enjoyed the movie and never did get scared. We all really enjoyed watching the movie again, even my grown kids. They definitely have a lot good movies out right now, but don’t forget about the movies you grew up. Your kids might enjoy them just as much as you did.

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