Sunday, April 29, 2007

Furnishing A House

My son is getting ready to move into his first apartment. Of course that means he needs furniture. We had told him that he could bring his bedroom suit so he will have a bed. Since he will be moving in with his girlfriend, soon to be wife, they are getting a kitchen table and chairs from her parents. Now I have wanted new living room furniture for quite some time. We have a three piece group now, couch, love seat and recliner. The love seat reclines and it is broke, in fact we had to rearrange the furniture just so we could put it against the wall so we could still sit in it. I have offered to let them take our couch and chair which they gladly accepted and we are throwing the love seat away. I figured I would have to go a short time without any living room furniture, at least until I found what I wanted. So the plan was to purchasing new furniture and flooring for the living room. Plans sometimes have a way of changing, because now our TV goes out tonight; another expense. I have already committed the living room furniture to my son and girlfriend so I not going to tell them now “no you can’t have our living room furniture”. It looks like I just won’t have any living room furniture for awhile because we are buying a TV! It is really kind of ironic, my husband and I have been married for 30 years and my son and his girl friend are just moving in together, they are going to have their apartment fully furnished and we are going to have a bare living room except for a TV. It almost sounds like we are the ones just starting out not them.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Attitude is Everything

Do you remember what the weather was like last week? In case you don’t let me remind you, it was cold and rainy and we went camping in that! It never fails the weekends like this weekend, sunny and nice I’m home working and it’s the nasty weekends like last weekend when we have camping plans. The way camp grounds are these days you have to make your camping reservation in advance especially if there are several other campers you are going with. We camp with a group of 9 others so we always make plans 6 months in advance; we pick a weekend make the reservations and go. Don’t get me wrong, we still have a good time but it sure would have been more enjoyable if the weather would have been more like this weekend. Although I did get out to enjoy the sunshine some, it’s just not the same when you are home, you always have something to do; like clean the house, laundry or homework.

Saturday night we did get to take our grandsons to a play. They both really enjoyed it. The play was “The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf” and yes it was about the 3 little pigs. Today they both came over and went fishing and although they didn’t catch anything they still had a good time.

We may not have had good weather last weekend for our camping trip and I may have had plenty of work to do around the house this weekend, but I still had time to spend with my grandkids and last weekend wasn’t a total wash. I still had a good time camping. Whatever the circumstance you can make the most of it if you want to. It’s all about having the right attitude.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Life Just Gets Too Busy Sometimes

I’ve been too busy to have done anything fun or interesting so I’m afraid my blogs’ are really getting boring. Work, home and school work has definitely been keeping me busy. On top of all that I come from a large family and it was my turn to have Easter for everyone. Of course I enjoy getting together with everyone, but when it is my turn to host a family get together it means I have to clean house, even if I don’t have time. Not to say my house didn’t need a good cleaning, it did. Cleaning house is just one of many things that get neglected these days between everything else going on. Anyway the house got cleaned this week and homework got neglected; so of course now I am trying to get caught up on the homework and actually trying to get ahead. My husband and I have plans to go camping this weekend. I have several assignments due Friday and Saturday. I don’t think there will be an internet connection at the campground and I still not quite sure how I am going to get it all done! However once I have my homework assignments done, and everything packed, ready to go camping I do plan on kicking pack and just relaxing this weekend. I just need to keep working extra hard the first part of the week and keep in mind the desired outcome…. A whole weekend of relaxation, no house work or home work!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Biting Fish

Today was another beautiful day and my whole crew went fishing again. They caught a nice mess of fish; my husband even topped his catch from last week. Last week’s bass weighed in a 5 lb 2 oz (I think) and today’s catch of the day weighed in at 5 lbs 13 oz. We will be having a fish fry yet!

I had to laugh at my 6 year old grandson. He was in the bucket pulling out the fish and showing me his catch and everyone else’s. I asked his if he remembered when he wouldn’t touch a fish at all. He asked me what I was talking about. I told him the story of when he was about 3 years old. He hadn’t going fishing yet with his grandpa and Uncle T, but he was always right there when they came home from fishing. He would get close enough to see the fish, but not to close. On one occasion his grandpa wanted him to stand by him to get his picture taken with the fish and my grandson refused. He was not going to get close to the fish. When we asked him why, he said the fish would bite him. We then asked him why he thought the fish would bite him and his reply was “You always talk about how the fish are biting today”! After we all had a good laugh we explained to him how the fish did not bite us but would bite the hooks and that is how you caught the fish. After the explanation, he was fine with standing by the fish and having his picture taken with his grandpa. He still likes to have his picture taken with the fish and does not hesitate to hold the fish up to show the camera!

You do have to be careful though with what you say, because a 3 year old takes it literally! Now he is 6 and is quite the avid fisherman and holds his own. He did out fish his mom today!