Monday, April 9, 2007

Life Just Gets Too Busy Sometimes

I’ve been too busy to have done anything fun or interesting so I’m afraid my blogs’ are really getting boring. Work, home and school work has definitely been keeping me busy. On top of all that I come from a large family and it was my turn to have Easter for everyone. Of course I enjoy getting together with everyone, but when it is my turn to host a family get together it means I have to clean house, even if I don’t have time. Not to say my house didn’t need a good cleaning, it did. Cleaning house is just one of many things that get neglected these days between everything else going on. Anyway the house got cleaned this week and homework got neglected; so of course now I am trying to get caught up on the homework and actually trying to get ahead. My husband and I have plans to go camping this weekend. I have several assignments due Friday and Saturday. I don’t think there will be an internet connection at the campground and I still not quite sure how I am going to get it all done! However once I have my homework assignments done, and everything packed, ready to go camping I do plan on kicking pack and just relaxing this weekend. I just need to keep working extra hard the first part of the week and keep in mind the desired outcome…. A whole weekend of relaxation, no house work or home work!

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