Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Biggest Catch of the Day

I have to admit I am finding it difficult to find something to write about this week. Nothing exciting happened just kind of the same oh same oh, but still a good week.
I have been at my new job for 5 weeks and I am really enjoying it. I’m still finding it a challenge to keep up with work, home and school but managing.
This weekend was beautiful, 80 degrees both Saturday and Sunday. I didn’t get outside at all on Saturday and it was 3:30 before I finally got outside on Sunday. My husband was across the road fishing so I decided I would walk over and see if he was catching anything; he had caught a 5 pound bass so he was going to continue fishing for awhile. I decided I was going to go back home and get my lawn chair and my marketing text book and do some reading by the lake. Well it wasn’t long and the neighbor kids ages 7 and 4, who were also fishing, came over and started up a conversation with me. They had seen my husband catch his big fish so they wanted to fish the same spot as he was he hopes of catching the big one! I was off to the side and out of the way of the hooks on the fishing line when the 4 year old decided he needed to move, right he front of me. Before I knew it he had thrown his rod back to cast and he hooked me right in the arm. I did scream (a little) and got his attention to quit tugging at his rod until I unhooked myself and he went about his fishing. Between my husband and the 2 neighbor kids, I don’t think any of them realized that the 4 year old did have the BIGGEST catch of the day.

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